Add Value & Generate Sales

  • No Limits!

    Through Aeris Marketing there are no limits to connecting with your customers, building loyalty and increasing sales. There are no boundaries to the value we provide and the commitment we give in helping you achieve your goals.

  • Plugged in Society

    • 1 in 3 Americans shop online
    • 58% of Moms say they never unplug
    • 89% of Moms purchase online
    • 53% of women's purchases are influenced by social media sites
  • Video

    • 52% of US adults used the internet to watch/download videos
    • 77% of consumers watched a movie on DVD (Q1 2011)
    • Digital video makes up ¼ of all home video volume
    • DVD Entertainment is a $4.5B industry with 226 million units sold (2010)
  • Games

    • 11.2M digital game downloads were purchased for the PC (Q1-Q3 2010)
    • Social gaming market is expected to expand from $3.2B to $5.6B (by 2014)
    • 100M people play onmine games (72% of U.S. households; 60% female, 81% Boomer Women, 80% Moms & Dads, 77% Teens, 90% Tweens).
    • Consumers spent $15.9B on game content (2010)
    • Gaming accounts for 10% of all US time spent online – surpassing email usage
Entertainment is an important part of our everyday lives – a direct route to enhancing emotional connection.